The Unity for Children Bill

When it comes to child’s best interests, we should not take chances and hope for the best

As part of Unity for Children's mission, we aim to rewrite laws to ensure that children are always treated with priority, especially in incidents involving substance abuse, abuse (emotional and physical), and neglect. Neglecting these issues inadvertently puts our children at risk during their most vulnerable times.

Now is the moment to reevaluate current approach, enforce already effective laws, and establish sustainable systems that prioritize the best interests of our children. It is our responsibility to create nurturing environments for children today, breaking the harmful intergenerational cycle in our society. Doing so will enable our children and society at large to flourish in the years to come.

While children age, their childhood remains with them forever.

The Unity for Children Bill aims to ensure an ongoing, proactive commitment to holistically safeguard children through policies, programs, and systems, rather than reactive response to crises that comes with great cost and irreversible consequences.

What can you do to make this change happen in 2025?

    1. Search for your district representatives.

    2. Type your address on the address search bar - Once the list is generated, select state representatives to see the name and contact details of your state representative.

    3. You can call, email, or send a mail to your district representatives stating your support for the Unity for Children project to get our children prioritized in Illinois.

      Many community members shared their story on the email body and used an official letter as an attachment - click here. Please copy on your email so we can help answer any questions.

    Please feel free to reach out to us anytime and we are happy to meet or schedule a time to train you and/or your group for this critical step!

    If you are having difficulties, reach out to us and we can help you find the right contact.

  • Please stay in touch with us! We will continue to need your support especially for the witness slips when it’s time to sign them! Send your contact details to us and get notified.

    Post a selfie or promotion and tag the official social media page of your representatives on your post with hashtags #unityforchildren, #unityforchildrenorg, #ILStand4Children.

    Passion is very contagious! We encourage all of you to post on your social media sites such as facebook and linkedin, encouraging individuals and organizations you are well connected with to get involved to help us make change happen in 2025! We are all in this together! It takes a village!

    If you need guidance or ideas on what to post, please reach out to us.

Some of the innocent lives lost in Illinois due to failure of policies and systems

What else can you do?


Sign our Petition

Show your support by signing our recently launched petition on and submit your contact information so we can notify you once your support is needed for the witness slips!



Sign up to join our meetings! Get your voices heard and considered for legislative discussions.


Show Up

Would you like to join us on our meetings with community organizations and representatives? Bring a friend!



Want to help spread awareness of this project? Reach out and we can discuss potential events and collaboration!