Unity for Children’s Best Interests Act

When it comes to child’s best interests, we should not take chances and hope for the best.

Not sure what, where, or how to support our mission?

Step I: Spread Awareness

"Dear Senator or Representative _______,

I am writing to ask that you  support the following key programs in Fiscal Year 2019. As an advocate for healthy families and thriving children, I urge you to consider funding these important programs to help ensure we reduce child abuse and neglect, promote healthy child development, and improve parental education."

Identify the bill for the legislator to support

"HB ___ or SB ____  is of great importance to families.

Research is clear: evidenced-based prevention programs reduce the likelihood of costly ailments to the individual and to society, including mental illness, criminal justice, child welfare, substance abuse and addiction, and the perpetuation of abuse and neglect. Prevention services strengthen families and give families the tools they need to succeed and thrive. Please help the children and families in your district by supporting these important issues today.




Research is clear: evidenced-based prevention programs reduce the likelihood of costly ailments to the individual and to society, including mental illness, criminal justice, child welfare, substance abuse and addiction, and the perpetuation of abuse and neglect.


State by State